you are so full of shit
how does one even 'engage with architecture' anyway? you are so full of shit.
there are certain things that i wanted to express with these projects, but i lack the vocabulary to describe them in a meaningful way. it's so tempting to fake a bullshit when you have all these jargon-ic words at you array.
sure i play around with theories and semiotics; i think it gives the design more rigour. but at the end theories don't really matter. buildings are to be experienced. it's all about the human quotient.
you're contradicting yourself again. these aren't even buildings to begin with. and no one's calling it art either, so stop talking about it as if it is.
im want to read these out to my lecturer. haha. i have nothing intellectual to say
the pics in the entries below is from ur portfolio!!
sorry, i have nothing interesting to comment on...juz procrastinating
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